Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Partners in Pretension release dates!

I'm so excited to announce that my web-series "Partners in Pretension" now has a release date!  Several release dates to be more precise...  

For those of you who are busy enough with your own lives that you don't have room in your minds for the details of all of my various projects the synopsis of Partners in Pretension is as follows:

"Partners in Pretension” follows the story of Angel Valenzuela and Dorian Blue as they attempt to navigate life after college graduation. Faced with unemployment, graduate school rejection and hopelessly out of touch with no idea of how to manage their own lives, the boys hope revenue from online how to videos will bring them the respect and money they so desire.

The release dates for PIP (how we lazy folk often refer to "Partners in Pretension") are... right... here:

Episode 1: August 29th
How-to 1: August 30th
Episode 2: September 5th
How-to #2: Sept 12th
Episode 3: Sept 19th
How-to #3: Sept 26th
Episode 4: October 3rd

These will be released on our official site and Youtube as of this moment.

In total, we have seven episodes but we like to divide them up into story episodes and how-to episodes.  (By the way, I'm not using the "Royal We", just insert Fernando Noor's name and my friends at Longlost Pictures into the "we" when used.) 

I've linked to the site for Partners in Pretension over and over again through this post, but if you'd like a more direct way to get there and check out the site please head to  It'd also be nice if you went to our fan page and "liked" it; I'm not saying you have to, I'm saying it would be nice. 

You can also join us on our Youtube page 
And follow us on Twitter:!/PIP_TheSeries

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Indie Slate issue #59

It’s out! The article on The Grover Complex that I wrote for Indie Slate magazine is now in stores.

The article looks great thanks to the pictures taken by Dan Blanchett. If you’re in the LA area the magazine should be available at most newsstands and book stores. Through the greater US and Canada you can find the magazine at Borders and Barnes and Noble. If it’s not in your particular store you can order through the magazine’s website

We’re so happy to have a “Reel Life Story” on our film in Indie Slate as we work hard to spread the Grover word.

The best to all this holiday season!

About Me

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Los Angeles, CA
The so called "professional blog" of writer/producer Claire L. Wasmund. You can find two of my current projects here, The Grover Complex, and Partners in Pretension. I can be reached at ClaireWasmund at